Do I Need AR Automation When Using QuickBooks?

Do I Need AR Automation When Using QuickBooks?

Do I need Accounts Receivable Automation Software When I have Quickbooks Free Reminders? Let's find out.

To analyze this we need to understand the need, challenge, the impact it creates, and then the solution we should use to address it.

Cashflow is the critical component for every Credit Based Businesses. Even your customers want to hold on to their cash for their critical and prioritized payments. The most important aspect of Accounts Receivable is how to position yourself on your customer's Prioritized List. That's when Businesses have a dedicated Accounts Receivable Department or Function.

The accounts receivable function is the most critical function that converts revenue into cash. When this function is done manually, it doesn't help to create the appropriate rigor or seriousness in customers due to reasons like casual tone and irregular reminders, mistakes in communication, time-Intensive activity, lack of team collaboration, lack of auditing and transparency, and weak management insight and control.

With such a critical function, there is a need to have a tool that's purpose-built to solve these challenges. When we look at Quickbooks, which is the most popular accounting and bookkeeping software (the purpose it was built for), also has additional provision to send reminders via Email, and that's just the tip of the iceberg, Accounts Receivable Automation is a lot more and lets' see what it needs :

  • Configuring AR Workflows based on Email, Call, and SMS
  • Personalize and standardize your AR Dunning messages
  • Automate most of your communications giving your team the bandwidth to focus on High-value interaction
  • Human Centric Action and Communication integrations like Confirmation and Reminders for Promise made by the customer
  • Assign and track your teamwork without much effort
  • Generate great insights and reports instantly from the app
  • Customer 360 View that gives total transparency and Deep-dive audit when needed.


To summarize, an app that improves the AR Team's efficiency and productivity thereby improving the cash flow!

It's not Quickbooks vs Maxyfi, rather it's the winning combination of Quickbooks with Maxyfi which gives you the best of Accounting and Book Keeping (Quickbooks) with the Best of Accounts Receivable Automation (Maxyfi).

Sounds interesting, right? Book a demo on how seamlessly the accounts receivable automation connects and works with Quickbooks.

You can also try it out here, we have a limited-time $40 package.

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